intricate geometric infinity symbols

Being left handed in a backwards world,

I’m learning to move

in all directions through infinity.

These are my meditations.

Each knot is a single line

connecting back to itself,

no beginning, no ending,

dancing into eternity.

Allow your eyes to trace one like a maze,

following the structurally inseperable paths,

until you return to your origin.

Observe how your perception

is a reflection of your focus.

I am at one point on a given loop

while you are somewhere entirely different,

but if we continue around far enough,

we eventually exchange perspectives.

Please show this to someone to remind them

that we share the same breath,

that the light sparkling behind our eyes

vibrates us at an atomic level,

whether we notice it or not.

If you choose to help me share

my knotwork with the world,

I ask that you honor their integrity

and keep them whole.

If the loop is broken

and it is no longer continuous,

then it means something else.

I am grateful for your attention.

May these visions of endless flow

calm your restless mind

and connect with that same light

in your heart.

fun with lasers

It is immensely gratifying to take one of my drawings and make the laser cut it out perfectly…and impossibly tiny!

Stray artS

Support your local artists and spread palindromes everywhere

Original Designs

Each one of my knots is an original design of my own making. There's really an infinite number of infinity symbols I can make.

Owner Operator

I am the sole proprietor of this operation, quite literally. It's just little ol' me fulfilling my dream of Knotworking as my chosen profession.

Come say hello!

You can find me at the Eugene Saturday Market in booth 327, on the block with the stage. Come visit me every Saturday from April until the Holiday Market starts in November.